Inter Campus in Nicaragua, part of the change

7 February 2017

Inter Campus in Nicaragua, part of the change

Preparations for the Central American Games are afoot in Managua, where Inter Campus is hosted in Nacaragua, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop.

The sports centre is getting ready for the 2017 Central American Games. At the end of the year, the pitch they play on could see matches between the likes of Guatemala, Costa Rica, Belize and Panama. The children know it and it makes them feel important.

There’s a lot of activity going on around the pitch – people at work, engineers carrying out inspections and visits from various institutions – but that doesn’t stop the children from playing sport. As Inter Campus ventured into the corridors and rooms they last visited just six months ago, they saw kids doing athletics, long jump, boxing and fencing.

They met the Inter Campus group again too of course, albeit with a few extra centimetres on them. They hugged each other as they approached and asked them to repeat the same exercises they did with them last time Inter Campus were here. They’re a good bunch of kids and together with their coaches, they follow the instructions with great interest and passion.

Inter Campus also met FIFA representatives keeping an eye on progress. They spoke to the representatives about the importance of bringing sport together with social activities and exchanged ideas about various initiatives that could be undertaken by combining efforts. Later they discussed the same topics with the Minister for Sport, whose office sits just a few yards from the pitch.

In Nicaragua, Inter Campus is at the heart of a strong team made up of institutions, coaches, children and sport. And in a country where football’s popularity is only just starting to grow, Inter Campus, with its conscientious methods focusing on the children’s development and enjoyment, can have an important role to play.


Inter Campus Nicaragua

Inter Campus Nicaragua was founded in 2014 in partnership with the Nicaragua Joven association to foster social reintegration and ...