Youth @ Work

Project details

Rosenborg Ballklub

Youth @ Work

Youth@work, known as – RBK Ung I Jobb – in Norwegian, is a cooperation between Rosenborg, NAV/The Municipality of Trondheim and two Vocational Enterprises, Prima and Stavne.

Rosenborg is more than a football club. It`s the most successful club in Norway when it comes to winning titles and sporting achievements. Through its achievement Rosenborg has become one of the strongest brands in the country and one of the main identity marks of the region Trøndelag.

The club is aware of its position within the society and that they possess a position where they both can influence perception and attitudes towards social issues. Rosenborg wants to take their social responsibility and use their power in projects that are important for people in their communities.

Youth@Work started up in 2011 as a part of the effort to combat youth unemployment in the city of Trondheim. It`s an employment schemes financed by Municipality of Trondheim and NAV through Prima and Stavne (vocational enterprises) and hosted by Rosenborg. The thought is to use football and sport as an instrument for labor inclusion. By using a strong brand that is associated with something positive you can build self-confidence and provide opportunities that otherwise could not be obtained.


  • Unemployed registered with NAV (the Labor and welfare administration)
  • Jobseekers in the age between 18-25
  • Little or no experience from the labor market
  • Some have not completed high school
  • Some have had challenges related to drug abuse
  • Lack of formal qualifications
  • Small network
  • Low self-esteem
  • Personality- introvert/extrovert. They have challenges to sell themselves in the job marked.

Being unemployed and standing on the outside of the labor marked can give negative consequences for the person concerned and the community as a whole. Unemployment may cause social exclusion and marginalization. It can give loss of status and identity and may lead to social isolation. Experience of unemployment may lead to psychological, physical and social problems.

To combat unemployment is a corporate social responsibility. Rosenborg occupies a position in the community that can contribute to help young people into the labor marked. By being a part of the project you are not only associated with Rosenborg, you are also representing a strong brand. What could be more motivating than to be a part of YOUR team? By being involved in this project Rosenborg are hoping that their brand can give the youth motivation to find solutions and open doors to businesses. In stead of having a status as unemployed your identity is connected to Rosenborg.

Rosenborg facilitates the project at their headquarter at Lerkendal Stadium. The project is organized as follow:

  • The project runs two programs twice a year.
  • 12 to 15 youths will be invited to participate in the program, after application.
  • The program begins with a introduction course that last from 5-6 weeks.
  • The content of the course consists of several elements witch are intended to prepare the participants for employment. Resources from Rosenborg (players and coaches), from NAV, vocational enterprises and employers amongst others are giving lectures on various topics. The intention of the course is to prepare the students for the job marked, through input and self reflection. It also includes physical training.
  • After 5-6 weeks they should have a plan for where to go. Most of them lack experience and skills to get a foothold in the labor marked on ordinary terms. They need a period of job training where they can get some experience and gain some skills.
  • Job training: after the introduction course they will have a work training period that could last from one month to six-seven months. Work training takes place in regular and mainstream businesses, of whom many are partners of Rosenborg. Some even have their work training at Rosenborg.

Youth@work has proved to be a successful concept. More than 80 individuals have been able to gain a job or have gone back to school since the project started. 160 persons have had motivation, course and job training in the same period.  The project has had a lot of attention from other clubs, politicians and Municipalities.


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