The #FootballPeople of EFDN Show Racism the Red Card

13 October 2021

The #FootballPeople of EFDN Show Racism the Red Card

The #FootballPeople weeks are organised by the FARE Network and unite supporters, clubs, players, minority groups, communities affected by discrimination to stand for equality and inclusion. #FootballPeople are united in their love for the game and the belief that football belongs to everyone and can be used to create positive change. EFDN and FARE are already official partners since 2015 and we are fully supportive of their campaign. During the 2021 Football People Action Weeks, EFDN supports the Action Weeks with a dedicated social media campaign that promotes both #Diversitywins and the Football People Action Weeks amongst our 140 member clubs, leagues and FAs in 32 countries in the UEFA territory. We also provide 48 lessons of our Show Racism the Red Card programme in schools in the Netherlands, during these Action Weeks.

Below, you will find some examples of EFDN’s involvement in programs against racism, sexism and discrimination.

Diversity Wins Educational Programme delivered in schools

Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) is anti-racism and anti-discrimination programme. Show Racism the Red Card uses the power of football and the status of football players to help tackle racism and other forms of discrimination in society. We have developed an educational programme addressing racism and other forms of discrimination in society. The educational programme focuses on what racism and discrimination are, where that comes from and how it affects people.

When tackling racism and discrimination, education is key. This is where one can have the most impact and create a new generation that is aware of discrimination and ready to address social inequalities. We have created an anti-racism and anti-discrimination programme, consisting of different workshops to be delivered to 7 to 15 year-olds. The basis of that programme consists of a teachers’ manual and a children workbook, accompanied by communication support such as posters on anti-discrimination. The workbook is divided in 5 main topics. The first topic focuses on racism. In this chapter there are exercises that help students understand racism and the effects thereof, through the use of examples. The next chapter addresses differences and similarities between us. Prejudice and the so-called implicit bias and how to challenge those concepts are addressed, as well as norms and values. Afterwards, there are two chapters on religion and symbols and LGBTQ+ and homophobia. They provide an introduction to a few of the major religions and their symbols and will give insight in different sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions, while also addressing concepts such as homophobia, transphobia and biphobia.  The final topic is racism and discrimination in sport. It addresses the specific kind of discrimination in sport, especially in football, and reminds the reader of the unique power sport has to bring people together and tackle discrimination. 

Women in Football Campaign

This campaign had the goal to create visibility for women working in the football industry because it is important to show role models to the participants of the European-wide educational programme and future generations. Click on here to find more information on the Women in football. You can find a full list here.

Do you want to know more about the campaign and the educational programme? Watch the presentations from the last webinar.

LGBT+ Month of Action

For the LGTB+ month of action organized by FARE network and Football V Homophobia , different role models for LGTB+ acceptance in football were interviewed:

  • Jesús Tomillero: Jesús was the first referee to declare he was gay. After making it public, he had to face insults and death treats on football fields and social media, which lead him to quit football. But he did not give up and founded his association Roja Directa LGTBI that fights daily to defend the rights of the LGTB+ community.
  • Karin Blakenstein: Karin Blankenstein, is the founder and CEO of John Blankenstein Foundation, which is a Dutch foundation that fights for creating a safer and more inclusive sports environment for LGBTQ+ athletes, both elite and grassroots.
  • Max Bergander: Max Bergander played football on a high level in Sweden and quit playing because he didn’t support the culture around it. Currently, he is responsible for the Core Values at AIK Fotboll, trying to break down stereotypes and educating people in values and inclusion.
  • Katie Glossop: Katie Glossop is the Participation & Inclusion Manager at Sheffield United Community Foundation. Sheffield United Community Foundation works in four key areas, Education & Training, Health & Well-being, NCS, and Participation and Inclusion.

You want to show off your own projects? Then, you can participate in the #FootballPeople weeks which run from October 7th until October 21st with us! We invite you to link your own projects with the #FootballPeople weeks campaign. The main three pillars of this campaign are: homophobia, racism, and sexism. You can share any content that promotes diversity and tackles discrimination, and create new events related to these topics.

We would also like you to join us for our #DiversityWins week from October 18th till 21st and help to create together the largest campaign for equality and diversity in global football. EFDN encourages its partners and members to become active promoters of equality and diversity in European football and therefore we are inviting our members to participate in this campaign by sharing own content on social media during the #FootballPeople Action weeks and in particular during the #DiversityWins week from October 18-21st. You can use the hashtags #FootballPeople, #DiversityWins and #MorethanFootball.


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