Campaign For Better Transport to football matches

Campaign For Better Transport to football matches

A report published by the “Better Transport” initative.

In the Premier League alone, more than 650,000 fans travel to matches each week – four times the number that landed on the Normandy beaches on D-Day.

With hundreds of thousands of fans travelling to matches in other leagues, this regular mass mobilisation has a big impact on our transport system, and many areas suffer traffic and parking problems on matchdays from an influx of spectators in cars.

Yet travelling to football matches is precisely the sort of journey that is ideal for public transport. This allows fans to enjoy the game without worrying about congestion and is, of course, much better for the local community and the environment.

With this report and survey, we’ve shown that there are huge differences between how clubs, towns and cities help make travel better, and revealed some excellent initiatives already in place that more areas could copy.


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