Mental Health in Focus on Penultimate Day of #Morethanfootball Action Weeks

10 October 2020

Mental Health in Focus on Penultimate Day of #Morethanfootball Action Weeks

The EFDN #Morethanfootball Action Weeks conclude tomorrow, 11 October, and it is, therefore, fitting that the last Action Day on the penultimate day focus on one of the silent issues of our times, mental health. Football has to make a stand and raise awareness on these issues. We urge participants to showcase their initiatives that use football to tackle the issue. Numerous foundations implement programmes that help fans, players and staff to highlight mental health and give it the prominence we now understand it deserves.

The World Federation for Mental Health declared in 1992 that 10 October is World Mental Health Day. This purpose of events on the day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world, but also to give credit to those that every work in this field, elevate their platform to talk about mental illnesses.

Research conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) shows that one in every four persons will be affected by a mental disorder at some stage of their lives. To make this already dire mental health landscape even worse, the current Covid-19 health crisis has had a dramatic impact on mental health worldwide. In fact, having to deal with anxiety, fear, isolation, social distancing and restrictions has brought more emotional distress to the majority of people. EFDN members implement programmes relating to mental health. We highlight two below:-

Be A Game Changer, Newcastle United Foundation – it was launched to encourage people in the city to talk openly about mental health and provide tips on how to improve physical and mental wellbeing. Estimates show that one in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year – an average of 12,989 fans at every Newcastle United game. The North East of England, where Newcastle is located, has the highest male suicide rate in the country. The aim of the project is to get people to talk more openly about mental health, take steps to look after ourselves and each other more effectively.

The Changing Room, Big Hearts Community Trust – aims to promote men’s positive mental health through the power of the beautiful game. It is a 12-week programme open to men aged 30 to 64 that offers participants opportunities to meet up, engage in activities together and start positive conversations about their mental health and wellbeing. In Scotland, men are one of the key groups at risk of mental health issues. They are 2.5 times more likely than women to die by suicide each year, with the biggest group at risk being men in their 40s and early 50s. This statistic is one the driving factors behind the formulation and implementation of this project.

Participating organisations are encouraged to use #Morethanfootball to highlight their initiatives and programmes that use football to make a stand on and raise awareness about mental health issues. We have gathered some ideas for activities on World Mental Health Day below. Use #MentalHealthDay, #Morethanfootball and campaign material on your posts.

  • highlight your mental health programmes
  • encourage people to talk about mental health through video messages from coaches and (former) players
  • raise money for mental health support
  • inform your local community about mental health support possibilities
  • call your supporters to check-in on them and their mental health
  • create a club specific playlist to lift the mood or your fans and beneficiaries
  • share resources that could be useful to alleviate your supporters’ emotional distress

Below we also compile engagements by #Morethanfootball participants relating to mental health.


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