The SportEYE newsletter is out now!

5 December 2023

The SportEYE newsletter is out now!

We are happy to share the 1st edition of the SportEYE newsletter! This newsletter, which will be released bi-annually, provides key information regarding the SportEYE project and any progress made within.  

In this version, we share the progress made in the last project meeting, held in Breda, as well as some specifics of the research the consortium has undertaken around environmental sustainability in sport organisations. 

Feel free to follow us on social media (Twitter and LinkedIn) as well as check out our website to keep up to date with the project! 

The SportEYE project 

“Empowering Your Sport Club, Children and Youth for the Environment in the Mediterranean Region (SportEYE)” is a transnational and multi-sectoral cooperation initiative co-funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ programme, involving partners from the Olympic Movement, Sport for Development, Academia and civil society, working together to activate and mobilize the local communities in order to improve the good governance and impact the capacity of team sports clubs on SDGs indicators from a holistic perspective, through the incorporation of a comprehensive multilevel curriculum that reaches managing and training staff, and ultimately children and youth.  

SportEYE has been designed under the horizontal priority “Environment and fight against climate change” of the Erasmus+ Programme, with a special focus on “Promoting education in and through sport” as it aims at supporting skills development in sport and environmental sustainability. More specifically, the project will be focusing on SDGs 4 (quality education), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), 12 (responsible consumption and production), 13 (climate action), 14 (life below water), 15 (life on land), 16 (peace and justice strong institutions) and 17 (partnership to achieve the goal). 



“Empowering Your Sport Club, Children and Youth for the Environment in the Mediterranean Region (SportEYE)” is a transnational ...