KAA Gent – Walking Football

Project details

KAA Gent Foundation

KAA Gent – Walking Football

Since 2016, the KAA Gent Foundation has been organising walking football for seniors. Healthy exercise and making friends are the main objectives of walking football. First we built up HT Gantoise Legends in Nieuw Gent-Steenakker. Since 2018, HT Gantoise is a full part of football club HT Zwijnaarde. In March 2019, a second initiative was launched in and around Woodrow Wilson Square.

Every week the South Park Toekans train in the Zuidpark. Since 2021, we have been building a new walking soccer core around the Watersportbaan. Commissioned by the City of Ghent, we are working on a Ghent network of at least 6 walking soccer centres by 2025
