De Graafschap Verbindt Naobers

Project details

Physical Activity, Volunteering

De Graafschap Verbindt Naobers

De Graafschap Verbindt Naobers is an afterschool programme for youngsters between 7 and 11 years. The foundation started this programme with the ambition to develop a local street league with social impact. Soon the initiative started in several communities by organising a local ‘street’ football competition in combination with social activities for the community and workshops which promotes a healthy lifestyle and resilience. Every team can earn points through the programme, but actively participating is more important than winning. That is why teams also receive points by performing chores and ‘activities’ that contribute to their own neighbourhood, district or village and also by participating in workshops. Through this programme youngsters stay in shape, learn how to contribute to the local community at gain knowledge on important topics. During the programme and at the end of the programme the teams get their prizes like trophies, match tickets and merchandise from the club.

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