PAOK Action – #WithRefugees

Project details


PAOK Action – #WithRefugees

PAOK Action, the CSR department of PAOK Football Club, introduced a programme aimed at supporting refugees, people in need and children that are struggling to survive on a daily basis.

The programme #WithRefugees includes the coordination of providing basic material to refugees. The first step of the extended programme was made on 7th of February 2017 on the refugee hosting site of Alexandria Imathia in cooperation with UNHCR (United Nations Refugee Agency) and supported by the Ministry of Migration Policy and its Regional Asylum Office of Northern Greece and Eprius.

During that visit, PAOK FC provided the refugees with winter clothing, as isothermal clothing, caps, gloves) and handed out PAOK gifts.

A second visited was organised to the refugee hosting site in Nea Kavala Kilkis on Thursday 9th of February 2017.

On Thursday 9th of February, PAOK’s Strategical Advisor and a range of PAOK’s players, including a veteran player visited the refugee hosting site in Nea Kavala Kilkis and handed out clothes, first-need material and many gifts for children and adults.

After the visit, PAOK’s Strategical Advisor Anastasios Osipidis expressed the importance for PAOK FC to support refugees.

“PAOK were created by refugees and knows only too well what these people are experiencing. That is why the club stands by the refugees and supports every step made to facilitate their lives. In PAOK’s family there are many people who have been refugees and relocated more than once. We sincerely wish that all these refugees will eventually find their way, heal their wounds, as we did. We wish that all children present here today will grow up and find their place in society, wherever their journey takes them.”

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